Prophet 21 Connector

P21 APIs are “a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building software and applications.” (Wikipedia). Web Services are “a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.” (W3C). They have even been called Web APIs by some.

In 2016, Grey Wolf started the development of P21 APIs for integration with the Prophet 21 system. Over time, those APIs have grown and matured into over 90 APIs in the “pool.”

Prophet 21 in an on-premise environment allows Grey Wolf to install our own APIs to create the integration.
The customer installable download puts a small set of files on the P21 server (or another server with SQL access) that the Grey Wolf web services will communicate with to make the connections.

SX Connector is a web service that is consumed by your code or by a Grey Wolf application.

The complete listing of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), Extensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) definitions are below.

lite version

  • APIs on premise
  • Web Services interface
  • API Key(s) for security
  • Intuitive naming
  • Used for Keystone® and Partner Connect®

full version

  • Exact same code as Lite Version
  • Full access to all Web Services
  • Used for anything BUT Keystone® and Partner Connect®

The difference is the P21 Connector is developed by Grey Wolf with their own APIs. The P21 Cloud Connector utilizes Epicor’s Middleware Server APIs.

The Lite version is used for any Grey Wolf application (like Altitude, Partner Connect, etc).  The Full version is used for applications that are third party or custom in-house applications.


Basically, you will need the Full Version for anything but Grey Wolf applications.